Anthony Scott


Eggs Benedict

Rated at 1.00/5 stars




30 minutes



  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. In a mixing bowl that can sit on top of the boiling water pot combine: 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks. Chop chives and microwave butter
  2. Place the mixing bowl on top of the pot with the bowling water(see double boiler) turn the heat to low and begin whisking eggs vigorously until they start to thicken and become frothy. This will take a solid 20 minutes of whisking. As you're slowly getting the eggs where they need to be
  3. heat another pan or griddle with oil and toast the each of the english muffin halves as well as the canadian bacon - set aside for later
  4. Now at the eggs and egg yolks mixture is creamy and thickening slowly stream the melted butter into the mixing bowl while whisking continously(6 mins). The sauce should be quite thick now
  5. Remove the mixing the bowl from the top of the pot of water and bring the water back to a boil drop it to just below a boil and create a whirlpool in the water. Crack an egg in the center. After 2 minutes the egg should be done cooking - remove it from the water and place in an ice bath to prevent it from cooking further. Repeat with the other egg
  6. On a plate lay the english muffin side by side with the toasted side facing up. Place a slice of canadian bacon on each. Place a poached egg on each and then completely cover the poached egg with hollandaise. Garnish with chives and enjoys


User Date Review Rating
avatarAnthony Scott 4/1/2023 Too much work in the morning!! 1